Gastric Sleeve – Drastic weight loss surgery

There are many people out there who follow complex and expensive weight loss regimes, only to face failure. These people are unable to achieve weight loss no matter what they try and this is what demotivates them. There is a feeling of being stuck in the middle with no possible way out. However, for such people, there are drastic weight loss surgeries available which reduce large amounts of weight. While there are many other methods of effective weight loss, surgeries are preferred the most as they can be customized to the body type and needs of the patient in order to guarantee success.

The most specialized kind of weight loss surgery, the Gastric Sleeve, has a history going back to over 40 years ago.

Highlights of the Gastric Sleeve

Modifications to the Open Gastric surgery were performed in 1971.

The Vertical Gastric Sleeve surgery was performed in 1986.

A Gastric Sleeve surgery using laparoscopy was performed in 1994.


The Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The Gastric Sleeve Surgery takes the crown of the most complex and specialized weight loss surgery. It has only twenty surgeons in the world that can perform it. It also has the longest performance time of 2 hours, on average, and also the longest recovery time of 3 days. The surgery involves resizing of the stomach to 25% of its original size, making it bypass the small intestine. The result is a stomach the size and shape of a banana which limits the amount of food consumed. The Gastric Sleeve surgery can only be performed using laparoscopy.

Advantages of this surgery

The major advantage of the Gastric Sleeve surgery is that doesn't change the digestive tract. This means that the organs inside the stomach stay and perform the same measures they are meant to perform.

Unlike other weight loss surgeries, the Gastric Sleeve Surgery does not result in malnutrition and the patient can stay healthy by eating healthy.

During this surgery, a portion of the stomach is simply removed from the body. This means that no unnatural or artificial objects need to be left inside the patient’s body.

Almost 80% of excess weight is lost in this surgery, making it highly effective.

There is no possibility of the Dumping Syndrome, meaning that no food goes inside the intestine undigested.

Ghrelin is not produced, which means no hunger is felt by the patient, which, in turn, controls food consumption.

The surgery helps reduce the risk of high cholesterol and high blood pressure. It also helps fight asthma and arthritis.

It is the second most effective surgery at fighting diabetes with a success rate of 72%.

While there is no doubt that the Gastric Sleeve Surgery has a lot going for it, it also has some adverse effects that need to be understood.

Disadvantages of the Surgery

The biggest disadvantage is that the surgery requires the longest recovery time among other weight loss surgeries. It is also a very complex procedure.

After its performance, there may be a need for a revision surgery.

There is no concrete evidence of its long term results.

There can be the risk of the staple line breaking causing damage to tissue inside the stomach.

The prerequisites for the Gastric Sleeve surgery are almost the same as those for the other 2 weight loss surgeries (Gastric Bypass and Gastric Band).

Prerequisites of the Gastric Sleeve Surgery

A BMI of 35; if a person has diabetes II from 30.

There has to be an obesity related issue. This is owed to the seriousness of the procedure and the weight loss it results in. A person has to be obese and severely overweight so that when all that weight is lost the body still functions normally.

A person should have a healthy state of mind.

It is important to understand that the surgery is a last resort and should only be performed after trying other weight loss procedures.

At the completion of the first 6 months after the surgery, 45% of excess weight is lost. Then, at the 1.5 year mark, the rate rises and becomes 55%. The figure then rises dramatically to 69% after 2.5 years of the surgery. The growth continues albeit at a slower pace than it was previously, becoming 75% at the 3.5 year mark.

Like the Gastric Band Surgery, the Gastric Sleeve surgery increases the percentage of weight lost with time. It stands at the mid-way mark in terms of weight lost amongst the 3 weight loss surgeries.

All in all, the Gastric Sleeve is a complex yet very effective method of losing a large amount of weight. By taking out a portion of the stomach, it ensures that the weight loss effects are relatively permanent.

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